Phoebe Proposal
Preparing Your Proposal: Questions Tab
Key Questions
The following four questions must be answered for each proposal submitted to SPO or IAO. A “yes” answer to any of these questions will prompt additional questions about the details.
Will this project involve any of the following potential compliance issues?
- Travel outside the U.S with scientific or technical equipment or technical data
- Travel to or involvement of any kind with countries sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control
- Shipping of equipment, materials, or software outside the U.S.
- Design of computing chips, semiconductor manufacturing, process design kits (PDKs), or the development of hardware components for use in supercomputers
- Radionuclides, radiation-producing machines, recombinant DNA, or lasers
- Human stem cell research
- Large-scale human or non-human genomic data (NIH-funded research only)
- Nuclear fuel cycle research
- SCUBA or small boats
- Custom antibodies
Will this project involve any of the following potential cost/financial issues?
- University or third-party cost sharing
- Program income
Will this project involve any of the following potential space issues?
- Off-campus project
- New or newly renovated space
- Research on, and/or modification to, existing Berkeley campus grounds or buildings
Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project.
- This is a full proposal in response to a previously submitted preproposal
- Faculty release time is requested as part of this proposal
- Project personnel will have access to third-party proprietary or confidential material in the course of preparing this proposal
- Proprietary or confidential material is included in the proposal
- Federal projects: direct charging of administrative/clerical salaries
- This proposal requires disclosing background intellectual property/software, or it requires the use of background intellectual property/software
- This project meets the NIH definition of a clinical trial
- The project involves high school student interns, undergraduate student interns, and/or K-12 teacher interns
Additional Details and Guidance
More details on the questions are provided below, with links to additional guidance on some topics. For information on the Questions tab, see Preparing Your Proposal for Submission to SPO or IAO.
Will this project involve any of the following potential compliance issues?
- Will members of the project team be traveling outside the U.S. with scientific or technical equipment or technical data in the course of performing this project? If yes, please describe the scientific or technical equipment, including any manufacturer information, and destination country.
Will this project involve in any capacity: persons, entities, or
institutions from any of the following countries/regions? NOTE:
the list below is subject to change. Please refer to Sanctions Programs and Country Information. If yes, please identify which country or countries, and the
persons, entities, and/or institutions involved.
- Belarus
- Burundi
- Central African Republic
- Cuba
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Iran
- Iraq
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Myanmar (formerly Burma)
- North Korea
- Somalia
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- Syria
- Ukraine (Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk Regions)
- Venezuela
- Western Balkans (Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia)
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
Will this project include travel to any of the following countries
(including scientific conferences)? If yes, have you already
obtained the necessary license(s) from the U.S. Office of Foreign
Assets Control?
- Cuba
- Iran
- North Korea
- Sudan
- Syria
- Ukraine (Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk Regions)
- Will any equipment, materials, technical data, or software be shipped or transmitted to other countries? If yes, please describe the scientific or technical equipment, including any manufacturer information, and destination country.
- Will this project involve spacecraft or space technology including satellites, rockets, and space qualified scientific instruments?
- Will this project involve the design of computing chips, semiconductor manufacturing, process design kits (PDKs), or the development of hardware components for use in supercomputers?
Are EH&S issues (radionuclides, radiation-producing machines,
recombinant DNA, lasers, SCUBA or small boats, nuclear fuel cycle
research) involved in this project? If yes, contact EH&S for
more information. (See Office of Environment, Health & Safety for more information.)
- Radionuclides, radiation-producing machines, recombinant DNA, and/or lasers
- SCUBA or small boats (See EH&S UC Dive & Boat Safety Consortium for more information.)
- Nuclear fuel cycle research or development
Are human stem cells to be used in this project? (See Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) for more information.)
- Adult?
- Embryonic? If yes, Please indicate the federal cell line.
- Will custom antibodies be generated in the course of performing this project? If yes, if known, please provide the name and Public Health Service (PHS) approved Animal Welfare Assurance number of the company or institution that will provide the custom antibodies. See approved domestic entities and approved foreign entities. (See Custom Antibodies for more information.)
- Will large-scale human or non-human genomic data be generated/used from NIH-funded research? See NOT-OD-14-124: NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy for additional guidance.
Will this project involve any of the following potential cost/financial issues?
- Is cost sharing included as part of this proposal? If yes, attach supporting documentation in the Attachments panel. (See Cost Sharing Basics for more information.)
- Is program income anticipated as part of this project? (See Program income for more information.)
Will this project involve any of the following potential space issues?
- Is this an off-campus project? If yes, attach supporting documentation in the Attachments panel and provide the location.
- Is new or newly renovated space required for this project? If yes, please visit Capital Strategies.
- Is this a project that will require research on, and/or modification to, existing Berkeley campus grounds or buildings? If yes, please visit Capital Strategies.
Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project.
- Is the proposal a full application related to submission of a preproposal or preliminary application? If yes, please indicate the SPO/IAO proposal number or Phoebe proposal ID.
- Are any key personnel requesting faculty release time in this proposal? If yes, please indicate the name and amount of time as either percent effort or person months.
- Will project personnel have access to any third-party proprietary, confidential, or privileged information in the course of preparing this proposal? If yes, please explain.
- Will proprietary, confidential, or privileged information be included in the proposal? If appropriate, mark the title page and each page of restricted data with appropriate legend. See FAR 52.215-1(e) for model legend. Agency guidelines may differ.
- Federal projects only: will administrative/clerical salaries be charged as direct costs?
- Does the PI or any Investigators have background intellectual property/software that is required for this proposal? If, yes, list all background intellectual property/software that is required for this proposal or will be used in this proposal (include the Office of Technology Licensing Invention number if available). Contact the Industry Alliances Office with questions (
- Is the proposed research study one in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes? See NIH Definition of a Clinical Trial for additional guidance.
- If the proposed project involves high school student interns, undergraduate student interns, and/or K-12 teacher interns, will these interns be involved in on-campus activities that take place for three months or less during the summer? See VSPA Summer Research Internship Fee-Waiver Bridge Program for more information.