Phoebe Award Summary
The Phoebe Award Summary (PAS) is a PDF document generated when the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) or the Industry Alliances Office (IAO) completes the negotiation of a new award or when SPO/IAO processes a modification to an existing award. This is the first step in the award activation/continuation process.
The PAS alerts the Principal Investigator (PI) and the BRS/Department Research Administrator (RA) that this process has begun. The information from the PAS also is used by Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) to create an award structure in the Berkeley Financial System (BFS) to ensure financial processes and invoices reflect the terms and conditions as well as the level of reporting the sponsor requires.
However, before the PI can spend the awarded funds, the BRS/Department RA must submit a complete budget to CGA and initiate the award budget setup. After the budget is in BFS, the fund number is activated by CGA, and spending against the award fund may begin.
It is therefore very important that the PI and the BRS/Department RA review the information on the PAS for accuracy and to find out if there are any special requirements highlighted by SPO/IAO. Any errors on the PAS should be reported to Froylan Fernandes, Records Team Manager, at
Questions about the award requirements listed should be directed to your SPO/IAO contact. Please note: The PI still is responsible for reading all of the award terms and conditions, not just those SPO/IAO calls out for special attention.
The information found on the PAS is taken from the Phoebe award record. When the award is set up in Phoebe, SPO sends email with the PAS to the PI(s) and BRS/Department RA(s) associated with the award. The PAS can also be generated directly from the award in Phoebe Search.
PIs and BRS/Department RAs always are responsible for reading and understanding all of the award terms and conditions found in the award document. The PAS is provided as a courtesy to summarize certain elements of the award. To assist PIs and BRS/Department RAs, the major sections in the PAS are described below.
Phoebe Award Summary Sections
The title of the PAS includes the Phoebe award number (e.g., Phoebe Award Summary: 011234-012).
PI Summary
This section includes key award information:
- Funding Change (The dollar amount shown reflects the change in funding for this specific award transaction. The change can be $0 for a modification that does not affect funding.)
- Project Title
- Principal Investigator and Co-PI(s)
- Lead Unit
- SPO/IAO Contact
- Sponsor
- Prime Sponsor (if Berkeley is receiving funds from a pass-through entity)
- Award Transaction Comment (e.g., Fund Advance)
- Award Type (e.g., Grant)
- Transaction Type (e.g., Modification)
- Sponsor Award Number
- Sponsor Modification Number
Also included is guidance on what is required to establish subagreements under the award. For example:
- Pending Subagreements: PI Action Required (The PI must request that SPO/IAO establish a subaward with an external entity.)
- Awaiting PI Request for Amendment to Subagreement - Departmental Action Required (The PI must request that an existing subagreement be extended for another year.)
Financial Information
This section includes information related to the funds awarded:
- BFS Chart of Accounts (For new awards, the fund number will not be available until the award is set up in BFS as described above.)
- Budget Periods (This chart includes current and previous budget periods. Note that for older records migrated recently into Phoebe, the funding change will show as $0.)
- Anticipated Total (This shows the anticipated award total, including all budget periods.)
- Fund Advance (This appears if the award was processed as a fund advance.)
- Indirect Cost Information
- Fiscal Comments (This section includes selected comments from SPO/IAO.)
Comments and Special Terms
This section includes comments from SPO/IAO and other special terms of importance from the award highlighted by SPO/IAO. This can include special security terms, guidance on effort commitment, and other unusual agency terms and conditions.
Important: PIs are responsible for reviewing the award documents for a comprehensive understanding of award terms and conditions.
Compliance Review
This section lists categories of special review in the award that may require additional follow up by the PI. For example:
- Human Subjects
- Financial disclosure
- Stem Cell Research Oversight
- Principal investigator exception
- NIH Genomic Data
- Animal Care and Use
Cost Sharing/Matching
If cost sharing or matching is included in the award, this section provides information on the amount and/or type of commitments made by the University and/or other parties involved in the project.
Reporting Requirements
This section lists final reports only, including technical and intellectual property reports.
Important: PIs should see the award terms for required interim reports and schedules.
Subagreement Information
This section includes information on the status of subagreements at the time the PAS was generated.
Important: PIs and research administrators should also check the PI Summary section for actions to take on pending subagreements.
Categories that may appear include:
- Subaward Request Form Returned for Correction
- Subagreements in Process (This means the subaward is still being developed or negotiated with the subrecipient by SPO/IAO.)
- Subagreement Amendments in Process
- Subawards Out for Subawardee to Sign
- Pending Subagreements - Compliance Approval Required
- Awaiting Insurance Compliance
- Active Subagreements
- Expired Subagreements
Other Details
This section includes information from Phoebe primarily of interest to administrators:
- CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number)
- Activity Type (e.g., Basic research)
- Project Type (e.g., Regular)
- FDP/RTC (Federal Demonstration Partnership Research Terms and Conditions)
- Equipment Title (e.g., UCB)
- Master/Related Agreement ID
- Phoebe Proposal ID(s) (These number can be used to look up awards in Phoebe Search.)