Phoebe Proposal
Proposal Checklist for Departments
Issue | Phoebe Tab | Action in Phoebe: Checking/Uploading |
Agency Program Announcement | Proposal | Sponsor & Program Information: Solicitation/RFP: Add the sponsor program identification number. If not applicable or available, enter n/a. |
Attachments & Notes | Upload Solicitation/RFP (drop-down menu) | |
Animal Subjects or Custom Antibodies | Special Review | Type: Animal Care and Use (drop-down menu) Approval Status: Pending (drop-down menu) Note: Status should always be Pending. |
Questions | For custom antibodies: Will this project involve any of the following potential compliance issues? Custom antibodies (check Yes)
| |
Collaborative Subagreement(s), Subaward(s)
| Proposal | Sponsor & Program Information: This proposal includes subaward(s) (check box) |
Attachments & Notes | Upload Subrecipient Documents (drop-down menu) Note: EACH subrecipient should have a separate uploaded PDF file including all required materials.
| |
Cost Sharing | Questions | Is cost sharing included as part of this proposal? If yes, attach supporting documentation in the Attachments panel. (check Yes) |
Attachments & Notes | Upload Cost Sharing Commitment (drop-down menu) Note: If cost share letters are pending, add a note under the Notes panel to let SPO know letters are being requested. | |
Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) | Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
compliance issues? Radionuclides, radiation-producing
machines, recombinant DNA, or lasers; Nuclear fuel cycle
research; and or SCUBA or small boats (check Yes)
Exception to PI Policy
| Special Review | Type: Principal investigator exception – individual or
Principal investigator exception - continuing (drop-down menu) Approval Status: Approved or Pending (drop-down menu) Comments: Add PI name and add “continuing” if applicable. |
Attachments & Notes | If Approved, upload the VCR letter under Exceptional PI/PD
Status Approval/Request (drop-down menu). If Pending, approval will be required from the VCR before the award is set up by SPO. | |
Export Control
| Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
compliance issues? Travel outside the U.S with scientific or
technical equipment or technical data; Travel to or
involvement of any kind with countries sanctioned by the
Office of Foreign Assets Control; Shipping of equipment,
materials, or software outside the U.S. (check Yes)
Facilities and Administrative Rate (F&A, Indirect Cost, IDC, Overhead)
| Attachments & Notes | Upload Non-Standard Facilities & Administration (F&A)
Rate Justification (drop-down menu)
Financial | Budget: select IDC Rate (drop-down menu) and add rate | |
Financial Disclosure: Non-governmental Sponsors
| Special Review | For all positive disclosures:
Attachments & Notes: Person Attachments | For ALL disclosures:
| |
Financial Disclosure: Department of Energy (DOE)
| Questions | For all disclosures: The PI is responsible for answering “Yes” or “No” to the screening question on behalf of all UC Berkeley personnel (including the PI) who meet the definition of an investigator and are involved in the proposed project. If any UC Berkeley investigator involved in this proposed project (including the PI) answered “Yes” to the question, list the individuals who meet the definition of investigator on this project. |
Special Review | For all positive disclosures:
| |
Attachments & Notes: Person Attachments | For all positive disclosures:
| |
Financial Disclosure: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), National Science Foundation (NSF) and
Other Non-PHS Federal
| Questions | For all disclosures: The PI is responsible for answering “Yes” or “No” to the screening question on behalf of all UC Berkeley personnel (including the PI) who meet the definition of an investigator and are involved in the proposed project. If any UC Berkeley investigator involved in this proposed project (including the PI) answered “Yes” to the question, list the individuals who meet the definition of investigator on this project. |
Special Review | For all positive disclosures:
| |
Attachments & Notes: Person Attachments | For all positive disclosures:
| |
Financial Disclosure: Public Health Service (PHS)
| Questions | For all disclosures: The PI is responsible for answering “Yes” or “No” to the screening question on behalf of all UC Berkeley personnel (including the PI) who meet the definition of an investigator and are involved in the proposed project. If any UC Berkeley investigator involved in this proposed project (including the PI) answered “Yes” to the question, list the individuals who meet the definition of investigator on this project. |
Special Review | For all positive disclosures:
| |
Attachments & Notes: Person Attachments | For all positive disclosures:
| |
Full Proposal: Previously Submitted Preproposal | Questions | Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project. This is a full proposal in response to a previously submitted preproposal (check Yes)
Human Stem Cells | Special Review | Type: Stem Cell Research Oversight Approval Status: Select appropriate (drop-down menu) |
Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
compliance issues? Stem cell research (check Yes)
| |
Human Subjects | Special Review | Type: Human Subjects (drop-down menu) Approval Status: Pending (drop-down menu) Note: Status should always be Pending. |
Major Project
| Questions | Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project. Federal projects: OMB Circular A-21 Major Project or direct charging of administrative costs (check Yes)
NIH Genomic Data Sharing | Special Review | Type: NIH Genomic Data (drop-down menu) Approval Status: Not applicable (drop-down menu) |
Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
compliance issues? Large-scale human or non-human genomic data (NIH-funded research only) (check Yes)
| |
PI and Key Personnel Release Time
| Questions | Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project. Faculty release time is requested as part of this proposal (check Yes)
Program Income | Questions | Is program income anticipated as part of this project? (check Yes) |
Proprietary, Confidential, or Privileged Information
| Questions | Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project. Project personnel will have access to third-party proprietary or confidential material in the course of preparing this proposal Proprietary or confidential material is included in the proposal (check Yes)
Scientific Diving and the Use of Small Boats for Research | Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
compliance issues? SCUBA or small boats (check Yes)
Select Agents | Special Review | Type: Select agents Approval Status: Select appropriate (drop-down menu) |
Small Business Subcontracting Plan Required when Federal
Contract/ Subcontracts Amounts › $700,000
| Attachments & Notes | Upload Small Business Subcontracting Plan, if available, select Other (drop-down menu) and add
description Note: If not available or pending, add a note under the Notes panel. |
Space - New or Renovated
| Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
space issues? New or newly renovated space; Research on,
and/or modification to, existing Berkeley campus grounds or
buildings (check Yes)
Space - Rental
| Questions | Will this project involve any of the following potential
space issues? Off-campus project (check Yes)
Attachments & Notes | Upload supporting documentation if available, select Other (drop-down menu) and add description | |
Sponsor ID Prime Sponsor ID
| Proposal | ![]() Provide the Prime Sponsor ID if we are a subawardee. If we are not a subawardee, this is blank.
Supplemental Proposal | Questions | Select Yes if any of the following apply to this project. This proposal is for supplemental funding for an ongoing project, or for a competing continuation/renewal (check Yes)