Research Administration Community Forum
Meeting for Research Administrators at Berkeley
September Meeting
September 30, 2020, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Zoom
Meeting recording
Pamela Miller, Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Administration and Compliance
Sponsored Projects Office
Angela Ford, Associate Director
Industry Alliances Office
Eric Giegerich, Director
Kate Lewis, Associate Director
Contracts and Grants Accounting
Katie Larkin Hudson, Manager
Berkeley Regional Services
Julia Arno, Regional Director
Single IRB (sIRB) and Proposal Submission
Rebecca Armstrong, Director, Research Subject Protection, Presentation slides
Federal Updates
Noam Pines, Acting Director, Sponsored Projects Office, Presentation slides
Campus Challenges/Updates: Involuntary Downtime, Foreign
Influence, Cyber Security and Executive Orders
Pamela Miller, Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research Administration
and Compliance, Presentation slides
New Export Control Communication Procedures and Red Flags when
Dealing with Sanctioned Countries
Alaisha Hellman, Export Control Officer and Conflict of Interest Coordinator,
Presentation slides: Communication Procedures, Red Flags
RAC Forum meetings are sponsored by the Research Administration and Compliance Office. All are welcome!
- Please contact Brandon Amargo (3-2836, with questions.
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