Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training

Classroom Training in RCR at UC Berkeley

The UC Berkeley Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is offering FREE training, on campus, for eligible applicants.

Fall 2023 Courses will be available for registration in early August so check back soon.

You may also sign up for a mailing list on Information on Upcoming RCR Training at UC Berkeley to automatically receive registration information each term.

Principal Investigator Course Involvement

Training faculty and sponsors/mentors are highly encouraged to contribute both to formal and informal instruction in responsible conduct of research. Informal instruction occurs in the course of laboratory interactions and in other informal situations throughout the year. Training faculty may contribute to formal instruction in responsible conduct of research as discussion leaders, speakers, lecturers, and/or course directors. If you are interested in participating in the Classroom RCR course on campus, please contact Victoria (Tori) Sharma at

For more information on the RCR requirements contact:

Brian Warshawsky, Director of Research Ethics and Compliance at