Research Administration and Compliance Forum

Monthly Meeting for Research Administrators on the Berkeley Campus

February Meeting Agenda

February 12, 2014, 10:30 a.m. to noon
Alumni House Toll Room
Coffee and refreshments will be provided

        Patrick Schlesinger, Research Administration and Compliance

Updates from RAC Leadership
        Becky Armstrong, Office for the Protection of Human Subjects, Office for Animal Care and Use
        Jyl Baldwin, Sponsored Projects Office, Conflict of Interest
        Patricia Gates, Sponsored Projects Office
        Pamela Miller, Sponsored Projects Office

How to Succeed in Research Administration by Really, Really Trying
   Presentation slides
        Pamela Miller, Sponsored Projects Office
        Deborah Howard, Sponsored Projects Office
        Cathy Jen, Campus Shared Services
        Andrew Boulter, UC Office of the President Research Policy Analysis and Coordination‎
        Patricia Gates, Sponsored Projects Office
        Beata Najman, Contracts and Grants Accounting

Phoebe Update
        Ken Geis, RAC Information Systems

Updates from CGA
        Lisa McLaughlin, Contracts and Grants Accounting

Updates from CSS
        Karen Wilson, Campus Shared Services



RAC Forum meetings are sponsored by the Research Administration and Compliance Office. Please contact Alaisha Hellman (3-2836, with questions or to be added to the email list for these meetings (if you are not already receiving the email notices). If you know other campus staff who should be added to the list, please let us know. All are welcome!